Noble NobleSeal TS Thin-Bed Waterproofing Membrane
Noble NobleSeal TS Thin-Bed Waterproofing Membrane sets the industry standard for bonded thin-bed waterproofing and crack isolation. Use in wet areas including showers and continuous use steam showers and other interior applications. NobleSeal TS has superior permeation characteristics. With more than 30 years of proven industry performance, NobleSeal TS is installed in some of the world’s most prestigious projects.
Features & Benefits
- Unsurpassed quality and performance
- Suitable for steam showers - Impervious to water and vapor (0.15 perms)
- Highest performing crack isolation membrane available: Bridges more than 1/8” movement
- Sheet membrane: Ensures uniform quality, thickness, and minimizes variables in workmanship
- Lightweight and easy to fold and crease
- Durable and resistant to chemical compounds
- Made from Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE)
- For best results, install with NobleBond EXT as bonding agent
Noble NobleSeal TS Thin-Bed Waterproofing Membrane Installation Instructions
Noble NobleSeal TS Thin-Bed Waterproofing Membrane Description
Noble NobleSeal TS Thin-Bed Waterproofing Membrane Safety Data Sheet